Information pertaining to Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003.
Handling of personal data. Italian Quality Yachts di Fabio Bettoni - Via xxv Aprile,35 - 24060 Riva di Solto (Bergamo ) – Italia
Purpose for handling personal data. The personal data supplied shall be used for the normal activities pertaining to Italian Quality Yachts:
Handling of data will be carried out using electronic or automated
means and includes, in agreement with the limits and conditions
imposed by Art. 11 of Leg. Decree 196/2003, all operations or
complex of operations as outlined by said decree under the term
Nature of data handling.
Transmission of personal data is optional. However, if data is not
supplied, or is incomplete, in data fields indicated by an asterisk,
it will be impossible to forward the request and carry out the
procedures necessary for delivery of services.
Communication and diffusion of data. The data collected shall not be supplied or communicated to third parties, except in the cases provided for by law, and however according to the permitted modalities.
Rights of the interested party. According to Art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, the interested party has the right to obtain: confirmation of the existence or not of their personal data and communication thereof in an intelligible form; information regarding the origin of their personal data; information regarding the aims for and modalities of handling; information regarding the applied logic in cases of handling carried out by electronic means; identification details regarding the proprietor; information regarding the recipients of the data. The interested party has the right to obtain: up-dates; correction or integration of data; cancellation; transformation in anonymous form or block of data handled in violation of the law, including those for whom conservation of the data is not appropriate for the aims of its collection or subsequent handling. The interested party has the right to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the handling of personal data for the delivery of publicity materials, solicitation of direct sales, for market research or commercial communications.
In order to exercise the above-mentioned rights, please write to